Friday, July 17, 2009


Me, homesick? WEIRD. No really, I mean I miss home sometimes while at school, but never actually get sad about it or anything. I have reasons though:

1. Ingram is flying into New Orleans today. Ok, granted I drove to Charleston to see her in May, but still, I want to be riding with my mom and her mom right now going to pick her up from the airport and hang out with her watching movies and other worthless things all week.

2. RYLA starts today. I went every summer for 6 years and this is the first time I'm not there. Me no likie. Granted, I wouldn't exchange this experience for anything in the world, but it's RYLA. For the past 6 years it has been the highlight of every year. It just hit me about an hour ago that the counselors are just arriving and goofing of, I mean getting to work and I want to be there more than anything. Not cool. Not cool at all. Actually now that I think about it, I guess I'm more RYLAsick than homesick. Bleh.

ANYWAY! Debbie Downer moment over. I found out today that I got cast in the opera scenes! I'll be singing Susanna in the Act I Trio from Le Nozze di Figaro, but we'll be singing it in English. Although I wish we were singing it in Italian, I'm beyond excited! It's such a fun trio and I'm going to see Le Nozze di Figaro at the Salzburg Opera Festival August 12th. Sehr gut.

Also talked to a girl about going to Venice Thursday night and sightseeing there Friday and either returning to Salzburg Friday night or Saturday morning. We have Friday off of class, but the opening of the opera festival is Saturday in Salzburg so we definitely don't want to miss that. I hope it works out!

Y'all this program is so amazing. 2 lessons a week plus one or two coachings plus opera scenes plus a masterclass or recital everyday plus a fanfreakingtastic faculty equals complete and utter awesomeness. It really is like a semesters worth of learning packed into 5 weeks.

Tomorrow is the competition! Winners get to sing at neato places in Salzburg. There are 25 people competing though so I'm definitely not expecting anything. It has just been exciting to put together a 30 minute program. I've learned so much just from doing that!

Great things! Happy thoughts! I'm pretty sure I'll be RYLAsick all week though. At least I brought some of my wide variety of RYLA wardrobe to rock out in Austria which I most definitely plan to do.

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