Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You're breaking my heart.

List of things I do not want to do:

4. Oh, you get the idea.

Seriously do NOT want to leave this place. I've grown so much musically, personally, and in physical size. Ok, so maybe the last one isn't so good, but if I moved here I'd actually start denying myself food instead of finishing the bread basket everyday at lunch and eating Käsekrainer for an afternoon snack followed by eating an ENTIRE haselnuss Milka bar in 5 minutes. Me and Salzburg? Yeah, we're in an intense love affair fo realz.

However, this weekend on the train back from Venice in an attempt to try and not drown my sorrows of leaving Europe in the giant sized haselnuss Milka bar, I made a mental list of things I'm looking forward to and some of them shocked even me, but most of them, not so shocking:

1. CEREAL. I haven't had cereal in 5 weeks, 5stinkinweeks! I eat at least one bowl of cereal a day usually. This leads me to...
2. Milk! I mean, they totally have milk here, but they don't drink it like Americans do. You can only buy milk in liters here. No gallon jugs, which I go through by myself in a week.
3. Regulass coffee. I savor my 2 cups at my host house every morning, but when you go to cafes here you can't just get a cup of black coffee, it's all espresso stuff. GIVE ME BACK MY 12 CUP COFFEE MAKER AND MY FOLGERS, PLEASE.
(You guys like how everything has been food related so far? Ironically I'm obsessed with the food here too.)
4. LSU Season Football tickets. So this is really the only one that actually shocked me. I'm legitimately crazy excited about football tickets! I'm still deciphering this one.
5. Movies. I really, really miss going to the theatre or even just netflixing movies. It's just not as big of a deal here.
6. Last, but not least, my family and friends. But seriously, you guys could just come visit me here.

So now I leave writing this blog to go pack. I have to attempt to figure out how the hell I packed everything to get here and pray my luggage is still under 50 pounds. Tomorrow I have my German final (which I'm obviously studying very hard for), my Figaro trio performance, a big final dinner with all the host families and everyone at the college, and a ticket to Le Nozze di Figaro with Gerald Finley as Figaro!!! Then I have to be on the bus to the Munich airport by 4:30 Thursday morning. I'm thinking sleep may not happen tomorrow. So this is my last blog coming to you from Salzburg and I couldn't be sadder. LSU, you have big shoes to fill.

Auf Wiedersehen! :'(

1 comment:

  1. Hey.... I haven't posted on your blog.

    Okay, Now, I guess I have.

    I'm glad you had an awesome time. :)

    I wanna' go to Europe one of these days....
