Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 4

Guten Tag!

I'm still not used to this whole homework thing in the summer. It's also a little distracting because someone is playing/blowing some sort of bugle horn outside my room. Interesting neighbors here in Salzburg.

Tonight we had mushroom and spinach omelets for dinner. Maybe not so Austrian, but still good. And of course...dessert. Pretty sure I already have a cavity.

I had a coaching today with Prof. Motsuma (sp?) Moteki. She teaches at Colorado Bolder and is fanfreakingtastic. So energetic and encouraging and so many helpful things to say! I wish I could coach with her some more, but I'm sure I'll have many other great coaches before I leave here.

I also had a rehearsal with my accompanist for the competition on Saturday. I of course just made myself more nervous. If only I had some PON fairy dust right now! Maybe I can beam her up to Salzburg? An Alexander tune up would be pretty nifty too. My accompanist is Tom Enman from the Longy School of Music. He taught my close friend from the Harrower program I did 2 years ago. What a small world the music is. (Cue everyone's favorite annoying song...)

We all heard an AMAZING recital this afternoon by Sylvia Greenberg with accompanist and husband Tom Arsonon (sp?). The program was called Hausmusik and they performed music by composers that had either lived or visited the current house they live in (in Vienna). Korngold, Mahler, even Puccini and some other kiddos I can't remember now, but Pam and I bought a CD so there will be many happy listenings. Apparently I'm singing for Ms. Greenberg tomorrow in her masterclass. So says my voice teacher who can't remember my name. Whatevs. She wants me to sing Deh vieni which is no big, but masterclasses are so nerveracking for me (ok, so what isn't?), but especially the very first masterclass of the program. People can't help but judge/compare/contrast, you know? End worrying/stressing.

On a super cool note, Pam, myself and our new friend Brett from Iowa are going to go see Harry Potter tomorrow night! It's playing in English here. A lot of people are going tonight, but we opted out. We got a beer at an Irish Pub by the school instead. Well worth it. Hey! Jarred, are you out there reading? The Bohemian Futbol Club out of Dublin, Ireland was at the bar while we were there and one guy sat and talked to us for a while and tried to get us to go to the game. I really wanted to, but opted out since I have to sing tomorrow. Afraid I'd get too excited and yell/scream too much. I also don't know quite how well they'll play seeing as that they were at the Pub BEFORE the game.

Homework and music time! I've also been reading a lot, that happens when you don't have a television, which has actually been nice. After reading a semester of nothing but vampire books I decided I needed to start reading something that I'd actually learn a vocabulary word from. Right now I'm almost finished with The Catcher in the Rye. It's bangin'

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