Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wilkommen from Salzburg!

2 days in London? Check. Flight into Munich? Check. Arrival at host family's house in Salzburg? Check.

I'm a fan of lists, so here's a list of some things that have been happening in my life the past 4 days:

  • Waiting in New Orleans Pam and I befriended a British lady named Korin. When we arrived in London she talked us into taking the Underground to our hotel. It was easy enough to use/navigate, but carrying about 80 pounds worth of items up and down stairs was not fun. Needless to say our exhaustion tripled after that experience. British people are rocking though. We had 2 people voluntarily help us out with our luggage while on the Underground
  • Our hotel was great! As promised...toilet pics and a picture of the gold plaque on the step up in our room that said, "Mind the gap." Using the word mind instead of watch never got old for me.

  • Thursday night we went to see "A Little Night Music" at the Garrick Theatre in the West End and had dinner at a little Italian place by the theatre. The show was wonderful and super exciting/special since both Pam and I will be in LSU's production in November.
  • Friday was a busy sightseeing day! Big Ben, Parliment, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abbey (didn't go in because it cost 17 pounds. Ridiculous! Somehow I have a feeling only the Catholic Church would charge any money to go inside and see a church.) and the Tower of London. Lunch was at a Pub and we got an order of Fish and Chips and Bangers and Mash. Both were good, but I enjoyed the sausage more. I got an apple soda that was mainly fruit juice and it was amazing! Apparently there's apple soda in most of Europe. My petitions to get in the States have already begun. Who's with me?
  • We rode a boat down the Thames to get to the Tower of London. I think this might have been my favorite part. We saw so much!
  • My favorite thing we saw was a taxi in London with an advertisement for Mississippi! I don't know if you can see in the pic very well, but the top of the taxi says and it says Memphis/Mississippi on it with cotton, an antebelum home and an Elvis record. Crazy, right???

More pics of London on Facebook and hopefully I'll have some Salzburg pics soon!

Our host couple is great! They're a retired couple and are very friendly and speak good English! :) We had veal burgers (no buns), skillet potatoes, a salad with radish, cucumber and tomato, and an Austrian pastry (homemade) for dessert...with REAL WHIPPED CREAM. I'm going to say that again, real whipped cream. Bangin'


  1. I love your food descriptions! I'd better stop drooling, or I'll ruin my keyboard!

  2. Spoken like a true PKC. Also, by mind the gap, I meant mind the step and by Catholic Church I meant Anglican church. I'm going to blame it on the jet lag.

  3. I'm thrilled you're blogging! I hope you guys are having a fabulous time. Love seeing all of the pictures.

  4. Kori! I'm so thrilled you're following! I miss you lots and wish dearly you could be experiencing this with Pam and I!
