Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Blog Name?

Day 2 in Salzburg!

So I might be in search for a new blog name. Since Wiener Schnitzel is fried and Austria is now very fresh/health conscious/energy efficient/environmentally friendly it's not served so much.

  • Dinner tonight consisted of 2 pieces of baked chicken with some sort of rosemary seasoning (fresh from their garden), some sort of aromatic white rice, salad with red onions and tomatoes and a vinigarette...their vinegar here is a million times better than in the States. It's some sort of white balsamic. Bangin., and the most amazing zucchini I have ever had. It was stewed with tomatoes, onions, basil, and some herb I couldn't place. For dessert we had homemade chocolate cake with once again REAL whipped cream, but this time strawberry flavored whipped cream. Y'all I'm not going to be able to fit in my jeans when it's time to go back to the States. However, they cook organically so at least I'll be getting fat off of nonprocessed, fresh foods.
  • So all the windows and many of the doors here are engineered by some genius German. Americans need to get on it. Not only do they open completely, but you can also turn this handle and leave them cracked open from the top! Perfect for letting in the nice air!
  • Everything here is just gorgeous. No really, it's all breathtaking! There are flowers and gardens and green things everywhere! 15th century architecture! Salzburg College where I am studying was built in 1556. Beautiful river that runs through the city that is actually a gorgeous blue/green color. Definitely not used to that! Everything is quaint and beautiful. I can't believe how lucky I am to be studying here for 5 weeks.
  • There are students in my program from college all over the US. There are 54 of us and they come from places like New York, Colorado, Indiana, Florida, Texas, California, Oklahoma, Alabama, Massachusetts and even one girl from Canada!
  • Tomorrow we start German classes and audition for the music faculty. We'll than be placed with a voice teacher.
  • So far so great! Just still dizzy and lightheaded, but I think it's from the high altitude here. Heck there's a small mountain range I can see for my window in my room.